Pinky Htut Haung

Pinky Htut Aung is a self-taught multidisciplinary artist from Myanmar, started her career as a musician in 2013. Aung’s first exhibition in 2018; ‘Clouds are Thoughts’, encouraged her to further explore digital art and art in a more transdisciplinary way, fusing sonic, music and visuals. She is also actively composing for films from 2020.

Neither Heaven nor Hell; Navigating the Thresholds of Existence

In the realm of human experience, there exists a nebulous space—an interstice between certainty and ambiguity, between presence and absence—known as “limbo”. Neither Heaven nor Hell; Navigating the Thresholds of Existence dives into the profound depths of this enigmatic state, where the dancer and the audience explore the emotional landscape of uncertainty, suspended time, and the delicate dance between light and shadow. Through an intricate interplay of space, dance and music, the performance seeks to evoke the intangible emotions that arise when we find ourselves in the liminal space between what was and what will be, becoming a mirror to the human psyche and capturing the paradoxical fusion of longing and trepidation that accompanies moments of transition.