Emmanuel Ndefo

Emmanuel Ndefo is an experimental performance artist, researcher and choreographer working with his body as an instrument of resistance. He is interested in de-colonial and queer pedagogies within indigenous African spirituality and performance practices. His current artistic and research practice foregrounds acts of performances that unsettles hegemonic political and social norms around gender and sexuality in Africa.

Feast of bodily delights

Inspired by the photo-series of the exiled Nigerian gay photographer Rotimi Fani Kayode, I want to use ideas and images from his work titled Nothing to Lose. In my studio research I’m studying, experimenting and finally interpreting these images as a multimedia theatrical performance and exhibition, fusing together dance, video, installation and voice. Fani-Kayode’s studio photography is interesting to me because it explores issues such as race, sexuality, desire and in particular, identity. I will use this performance relationship between my body, food and liquid which flows out of these foods to explore questions which intersect race, sexuality and nature.